COVID-19 guidance for the Swedish construction and real estate sectors – results from a survey study

New survey provides guidance for the construction and real estate sector. Results from the study show an imbalance of guidance during the pandemic.
Researchers from KTH, Chalmers, Lund and Umeå have worked together in the BuildingsPostCorona collaboration and published a study in the REHVA Europe HVAC Journal. The survey study has been successfully published under the title "COVID-19 guidance for the Swedish construction and real estate sectors - results from a survey study".
Figure 1 shows an imbalance in guidance from authorities and trade organizations. The housing authority had a prominent guidance statement that advocated social distancing but at the same time overlooked the option of ventilation and clean air. The study underlines the importance of guidance from relevant sources.

Read the full study in the REHVA journal: COVID-19 guidance for the Swedish construction and real estate sectors – results from a survey study