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Covid-19 guidance

The construction industry can now participate in a survey about how COVID-19 affected the operation. The survey results will contribute to knowledge that may improve the handling of future similar situations.

Buildings Post-Corona is a collaborative project between Chalmers, KTH, Lund University and Umeå University. The project aims to support the construction sector in designing and maintaining sustainable buildings with healthy indoor environments. This has proven to be especially important in the light of COVID-19.

As one of the first steps in the project, we wish to hear from the industry to create a picture of how different parts of the industry were affected by the pandemic. To what extent did different actors in the industry listen to advice from the government and industry? Were any changes made as a result? What were the effects? Was it worth the effort?

By participating in this survey, you contribute to the knowledge of how the construction sector was affected by the pandemic. This knowledge may be valuable in the handling of similar situations in the future.

Thank you for your participation!

The survey can be found here: Enkät till branschen rörande åtgärder föranledda av coronapandemin (swe)  (swe)